Carbon Footprint


In 2022, the industrial sector emitted more than 164 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany alone. Politicians have reacted to this and to the UN's 1.5°C target with various CO2 pricing schemes (BEHG, EU-ETS, etc.), which are intended to make the CO2 emissions of energy-intensive processes unattractive due to the associated costs and to promote renewable energies. Knowledge of one's own CO2 emissions is therefore becoming an increasingly important factor for manufacturing companies, especially from the point of view of saving resources and costs, and not at least with a view to the steadily increasing environmental awareness of your customers.

Answers to the resulting question of how to measure, control and ultimately reduce one's CO2 footprint are also increasingly sought in the footwear industry. This seminar will give you the necessary overview of how to calculate the carbon footprint of your company or your products and services and thus uncover emission reduction potentials within your value chain.



The seminar deals with:

  • the overall context (environmental sustainability, UN 1.5°C target)
  • company-related costs related to CO2 (e.g., under the Fuel Emissions Trading Act)
  • the carbon footprint in general (including its advantages over a more comprehensive life cycle assessment)
  • the difference between the corporate and the product carbon footprint
  • Carbon labeling as a means of communicating calculated carbon footprints
  • And concludes with a practical example calculation


  • 25.02. – 26.02.2025
  • 09.09. – 10.09.2025


€ 697,00 without tax per participant 
including. training documents, drinks and lunch

Registration at infoisc-germanycom
Please note that this course is usually held in German.


Lesen Sie hier mehr zu unserem Seminar Carbon Footprint. 

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