Most recently, Dr Tobias Lindner, member of the Bundestag for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, paid a visit to the Rhineland-Palatinate Institute. He was accompanied by two Die Grünen city council members from Pirmasens. Together with Michael Maas, mayor of the city of Pirmasens and board member of the PFI, Dr Kerstin Schulte welcomed the guest on September 3rd 2021.
"As an independent association, it is important for us to demonstrate the scope of our projects to politicians. Above all, we hope for more visibility for funding programmes and groupings such as the AiF and Zuse Gemeinschaft," says Dr Kerstin Schulte. To the delight of the long-time director of the Institute, the two networks for the promotion of research and transfer are also not unfamiliar to the member of the Bundestag. Thus, the brief presentation of the Institute and its latest projects was followed by an interesting and lively exchange.
What might have particularly excited the politician is this: The PFI is a pioneer in the field of renewable energies. Ahead of its time and the energy policy requirements, the PFI started its biotechnological research activities back in 2006, an exciting subject area that soon called for expansion on a "larger scale". In 2014, the energy park in Pirmasens Winzeln was unveiled. Here, the PFI's research work is not only implemented on a large scale; in the meantime, the energy park has also been expanded to include a power-to-gas plant. The PFI is thus laying an important building block for the development of electricity storage, one of the greatest challenges that must be mastered to ensure the success of the energy transition.
At the very beginning of the meeting, it appears that another meeting, including a guided tour of the energy park, is an important concern for both parties. "Of course, I gladly accept the invitation for another visit," the member of the Bundestag is pleased to say, "after all the panel discussions, it's refreshing to see something tangible here."
We are pleased about Dr Lindner's interest in our Institute and look forward to welcoming him again.